Author Archives: michael

Successful Heritage Open Day in Carnmoney

Tuesday September 18th 2007

The Church of the Holy Evangelists, Carnmoney, was one of a number of churches in Connor Diocese which took part in the recent European Heritage Open Days programme. The weekend went very well with more than 60 visitors coming to…

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First Confirmation Service for new Bishop

Tuesday September 18th 2007

The Rt Revd Alan Abernethy, newly enthroned Bishop of Connor, officiated at his first Confirmation Service in St Matthew's Church in the upper Shankill Road area of Belfast on Sunday September 16. There were eight candidates, all of whom were…

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Books of Condolence open in St Colman’s

Friday September 14th 2007

Two Books of Condolence have been opened in St Colman’s, Parish, Dunmurry, following the sudden death in August of the rector, the Rev Tom Priestly. The books have been available for signing during Sunday services in St Colman's, and were in Church of…

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Farewell party for a much-loved rector

Wednesday September 12th 2007

Parishioners from the churches of St Paul and St Barnabas in Belfast marked the end of an era on Friday September 7 with a party for their retiring rector, the Rev Canon Kathleen Brown. The evening took place in Currie…

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Archbishop opens new CMS Ireland offices

Tuesday September 11th 2007

The official opening of CMS Ireland’s new premises in Dargan Road, Belfast, on  September 6 signals the launch of a new phase in the organisation’s missionary work. Speaking at the opening of CMS Ireland House, The Most Rev Alan Harper,…

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‘Protect religious freedom’ – Gazette Editor

Tuesday September 11th 2007

Preaching on September 9 at the Church of Ireland's 'Hard Gospel Sunday'  in St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, the editor of The Church of Ireland Gazette, Canon Ian Ellis, called for a renewed determination in the international community to protect religious…

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Sponsored abseil for neo-natal unit

Tuesday September 11th 2007

Rev Paul Dundas, rector of Christ Church, Lisburn, will be stepping out over the top of Belfast’s Europa Hotel in a bid to raise funds for the neo-natal until at the Royal Maternity Hospital. Paul is taking part in a…

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