Category Archives: News

St Peter’s Bridge Drive raises £1,000+

St Peter’s Bridge Drive raises £1,000+

Wednesday March 23rd 2016

St Peter’s Parish Church, Antrim Road, Belfast, held a Bridge Drive on Friday March 18 and raised more than £1,000 for charity. The money will be shared between the NI Hospice and Lighthouse. Both are charities based in north Belfast…

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‘Second Chance’ advertising campaign launch

‘Second Chance’ advertising campaign launch

Friday March 18th 2016

This week saw the launch of a countrywide advertising campaign to promote the Billy Graham film ‘Second Chance.’ The Ven David McClay, Archdeacon of Down and rector of Willowfield Parish, helped to promote the campaign and the film which provides…

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GFS Annual Display at  St Patrick’s, Ballymena

GFS Annual Display at St Patrick’s, Ballymena

Friday March 18th 2016

All the girls of St Patrick’s GFS, Ballymena, have been very busy since Christmas preparing for their Annual Display.   Mums, dads and grandparents gathered on Tuesday night in the Chancellor Craig Memorial Hall to see the end product. Following the…

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