Category Archives: News

Launch of stained glass database

Tuesday May 20th 2008

A new database recording stained glass windows in Church of Ireland churches was recently launched at the Irish Architectural Archive. Named Gloine (glass), the new database will allow users to search for windows by church or architect’s name, geographical location,…

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Three for Connor in communications awards

Friday May 16th 2008

There were three Connor winners in the 2008 Church of Ireland competition for best websites, magazines and innovative use of modern media by individuals, parishes and dioceses. The results were announced at General Synod in Galway on Thursday May 15….

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Church of Ireland General Synod 2008

Friday May 16th 2008

The three-day Church of Ireland General Synod took place at the Radisson SAS Hotel, Galway, from May 13-15. In his Presidential address, The Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Reverend Alan Harper, reflected on the recent visit by the four Irish…

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Columbian Pastor speaking in Belfast

Wednesday May 14th 2008

A Columbian pastor, who has been working for more than 20 years in Cali, one of the world's biggest drug centres, will be speaking at a number of churches in Belfast.  Pastor Hendrick Hoere will be at St George’s Church…

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General Synod gets underway in Galway

Tuesday May 13th 2008

The three-day Church of Ireland General Synod got underway at the Radisson SAS Hotel, Galway, on Tuesday, May 13 at 11am. The Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Reverend Alan Harper delivered his Presidential address shortly after Synod opened. In it…

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