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Songs of Praise a ‘magnificent experience’

Tuesday December 6th 2011

St Thomas’s Parish Church, Belfast, hosted BBC’s Songs of Praise recently in a service described by the rector as a ‘magnificent experience.’ The Songs of Praise crew recorded not one but two services. The first, broadcast on Sunday November 20,…

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Installation of new Dean of Armagh

Tuesday December 6th 2011

The former rector of St Matthew’s, Shankill, the Rev Canon Gregory Dunstan, was installed as the Dean of Armagh at a service of Evensong in St Patrick’s Church of Ireland Cathedral, Armagh on Sunday December 4. The Archbishop of Armagh,…

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St Paul’s auction of celebrity memorabilia

Wednesday November 30th 2011

An auction in St Paul’s Parish, Lisburn, which received the support of dozens of celebrities, has helped the parish reach the half way stage of its fundraising target. The auction on November 19 was one of three events aimed at…

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