Author Archives: michael

Beauty of Belfast Cathedral captured on a stamp

Tuesday May 13th 2008

The interior of St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, features on one of six new stamps issued by Royal Mail on Tuesday May 13. Belfast Cathedral is pictured along with Lichfield, Gloucester, St David’s, Westminster, and St Magnus in the Orkney Islands….

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St Colmanell’s parishioners run marathon relay

Wednesday May 7th 2008

Four members of St Colmanell's parish, Ahoghill, participated in the 2008 Belfast City Marathon Relay on Bank Holiday Monday, May 5. The intrepid quartet comprised Rosemary Frayne, David Jackson, Derrick Dempsey and Tommy Moody, and they raised sponsorship for TEARFund's…

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Mega effort by Marathon team!

Tuesday May 6th 2008

Members of Connor MU, the Bishop of Connor and his wife, and two rectors took part in the May Day Belfast Marathon. Connor MU’s participation in the nine-mile charity walk was organised for the fourth consecutive year by vice chairman…

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MU members respond to Baby Unit appeal

Friday May 2nd 2008

An appeal to Connor MU members from the Baby Unit at the Royal Victoria Hospital has received a very positive response. Staff at the unit issued an appeal for little quilts and tiny cotton dresses for premature babies earlier this…

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Institution in St Colman’s, Dunmurry

Wednesday April 30th 2008

The Rev Denise Acheson, former curate assistant in Ballyholme Parish, Diocese of Down, was instituted as rector of St Colman’s Parish, Dunmurry, on Thursday May 1. Denise was born in Manchester but spent most of her life in the village…

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