Author Archives: michael

CPAS host Change Makers training days

Thursday February 28th 2013

A reminder that two training days to equip people to lead, support and encourage desired change in their local church will take place in Lisburn. The two ‘Change Makers’ days will be held on Thursday March 7 and Thursday May…

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Spring ‘Connor Connections’ is a bumper issue!

Wednesday February 27th 2013

The Spring issue of Connor Connections, the magazine for the Diocese of Connor, is now available. This bumper issue includes a 10–page special on January’s Connor META (Mission Experience Team Abroad) to Yei Diocese, South Sudan, facilitated by CMS Ireland….

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Conference to look at the impact of porn

Wednesday February 27th 2013

Porn Scars, a conference looking at the impact of pornography, will take place in Lisburn Cathedral in May. The one day conference will be held on two dates, and is aimed at church leaders, youth leaders, parents and grand–parents. Participants…

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