Lord Bourne visits St Anne’s Cathedral
St Anne’s Cathedral welcomed Lord Bourne, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Communities and Local Government, for a visit on Wednesday October 25.
St Anne’s Cathedral welcomed Lord Bourne, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Communities and Local Government, for a visit on Wednesday October 25.
Two new Lay Readers have been commissioned in St George’s, Belfast. They are Mark Wardil from St George’s and Andrew McFaul from Muckamore.
Harvest was celebrated in Magheragall on Sunday October 15. In the country, many neighbours and old friends come to share in worship which makes for a very full church.
It is the time of the year when we give thanks for the Harvest and parishes around the diocese have been doing this in many different ways.
St Matthew’s Parish Church, Shankill, held a Family Fun Night on Wednesday October 11 to celebrate Harvest. Around 60 people came along.
A publicity launch for a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land to be conducted by Canon David Humphries next year took place in the Parish of Kilbride on October 21.
A beautiful new silver cross was dedicated in St John’s, Malone, on Sunday October 8 during the weekly Sung Eucharist in memory of the parish’s former organist, Dr Donald Davison.
The Autumn issue of the magazine Connor Connections is now available free to all parishioners at every church in the diocese.
Derriaghy parishioner Mrs Margaret Benson celebrated her 100th birthday recently and a couple of days later received a visit from the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy.
Around 300 clergy and lay people from Connor Diocese came together in Carrickfergus Methodist Centre on Wednesday October 18 for the annual Connor Diocesan Synod.
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