Category Archives: News

Desney awarded MBE in Queen’s Birthday Honours List

Friday June 21st 2013

Congratulations to St Anne’s Cathedral parishioner Mrs Desney Cromey who was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List. Desney received the award for ‘services to bereaved children in Northern Ireland.’ She is a co–founder of Treetops Child Bereavement…

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Weekday choral services at St Anne’s

Tuesday June 18th 2013

St Anne’s Cathedral now provides two choral services on weekdays for all who are heading home after work or shopping.  On a Monday at 5.30pm there is Sung Compline and on a Wednesday at 5.30pm there is Choral Evensong. Each…

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Impact Carrick takes to the streets in July

Tuesday June 11th 2013

Impact Carrick, a Streetreach style event, will take place in Carrickfergus from July 17–19. Each morning there will be Bible study, prayer and praise with the volunteers who then head into the streets and estates to Impact Carrick with God’s…

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