Category Archives: News

Youth Department launches JUMP programme

Friday January 25th 2008

The Church of Ireland Youth Department (CIYD) has launched the JUMP Programme for young adults interested in working in a church environment for one year. The programme gets underway in September 2008 with interns placed in parishes across Ireland.  For…

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Holocaust exhibition a resounding success

Friday January 18th 2008

Photos by the Rev Ken Houston An exhibition recalling the horrors of the holocaust, staged by teenagers in north Belfast, has been a resounding success. The exhibition was prompted by a visit to former Nazi concentration camps. It was scheduled…

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Glencairn teens recall holocaust horrors

Tuesday January 8th 2008

Photos by the Rev Ken Houston. A visit to former Nazi concentration camps has allowed teenagers from north Belfast to witness at first hand the horrors hatred can unleash. Their investigations gave rise to a moving exhibition on the holocaust…

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Updated book launched at Agherton

Tuesday January 8th 2008

Agherton Parish was the venue for the recent launch of a book entitled 'A Short Catechism of Basic Church Teaching.' Written by the Very Rev Victor G Griffin, the book includes an appendix by the Rev Niall Sloane (former Curate…

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Carols tradition revived at St Matthew’s

Wednesday January 2nd 2008

Over Christmas, St Matthew’s, Shankill, revived a tradition of a carol service, adapted to changing times.  In the days when St Matthew’s had a parish choir the equal of any in Belfast, the service of Nine Lessons and Carols was…

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