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Age NI seeks volunteer peer facilitators

Wednesday July 28th 2010

Age NI – the charity formed through the merger of Age Concern and Help the Aged NI – is appealing for people over the age of 50 to volunteer as peer facilitators. The role will involve identifying older people who…

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Connor Yei META underway

Tuesday July 6th 2010

The Connor Mission Experience Team Abroad trip to our link diocese of Yei in Southern Sudan, is now underway. The 10-strong team is led by the Ven Stephen Forde, Archdeacon of Dalriada, and Canon Cecil Wilson, former Director of CMS…

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MU pampering evenings attract 350 ladies

Tuesday July 6th 2010

The  Younger  Members’ Committee in Connor Diocese arranged two ‘pampering’ events for women of  all  ages.  These took place in  two locations  in  the  diocese on June 1 and 2, and both  nights proved very popular with  more than 350 ladies   attending  over  the  two  evenings – they  just  kept  coming!  The  format  included  a  fashion …

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