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Countdown to Connor’s META to Yei

Friday July 2nd 2010

With only days to go before their departure for Connor’s link diocese of Yei in Southern Sudan, the 10-strong Connor Mission Experience Team Abroad (META) is preparing for a busy trip. One of the team leaders, the Ven Stephen Forde,…

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Free grub at Summer Madness

Tuesday June 29th 2010

Summer Madness, Ireland’s largest Christian Festival, takes place at the King’s Hall, Belfast, from July 2-6. The long running festival,  organised by the Church of Ireland Youth Department, offers a long week-end of faith building encounters in an action packed…

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Connor Connections now available

Tuesday June 22nd 2010

The June 2010 issue of the diocesan magazine Connor Connections is now available free to all parishioners. Articles in this issue, which features the Tour de Connor on its cover, include a trip to Kathmandu by a group from Ballymena; …

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