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Connor rector leads discipleship training in Uganda

Friday March 26th 2010

The Rev Alan McCann, rector of Holy Trinity Parish, Woodburn, Carrickfergus, travelled to Uganda during March for Fields of Life Discipleship Training. During the trip, from March 10-23, Alan was training teachers, schools chaplains and students in setting up small…

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Parish celebrates link with Child Aid

Wednesday March 24th 2010

There will be a celebration of a very special link with Russia and republics of the former Soviet Union at the Parish of St Peter on Palm Sunday, March 28. The St Peter and St James Charities Action Group has…

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Exploring the challenges of leadership

Tuesday March 23rd 2010

A team from the Churches Pastoral Aids Society Staff will lead a ‘Challenges of Leadership’ seminar in Ballyclare on Friday April 16. The event, organised by Connor Diocesan Training Co-ordinator Peter Hamill, will explore issues of leadership in parish life….

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