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Presentation to long-serving organist

Friday January 30th 2009

At a celebration evening in St Patrick’s, Jordanstown, a presentation was made to the church’s present organist, Frank Capper, to mark his completion of 60 years as a church organist.  The last 25 of these years have been as organist and choirmaster…

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Sample survey for Children’s Ministry Project

Monday January 26th 2009

As part of Connor’s programme to create a new Children’s Strategy for supporting work with children in the Diocese Mrs Margaret Fullerton has been employed to carry out some research. Mrs Fullerton is currently visiting all clergy and in February…

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Lithuanian workers go fishing with Glenavy Parish

Monday January 26th 2009

Glenavy Parish has been involved in an innovative project helping migrant workers settle into wider society. As part of a partnership between the Church of Ireland  and the South Eastern Health Trust (SET) six Lithuanians working in counties Antrim and…

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More training sessions in wake of Energize

Friday January 23rd 2009

Three more training evenings are to be held following the huge Energize celebration of youth which took place in September. These meetings are an outcome of the Energize seminars which took place late last year in Bushmills, Antrim and Belfast,…

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