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Enthronement of the Bishop of Connor

Thursday August 30th 2007

The enthronement of the new Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, will take place in Christ Church Cathedral, Lisburn, on Thursday September 6. Bishop Abernethy will be installed and enthroned by the Dean of Connor, the Very Rev…

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Cathedral prayers for Princess Diana

Thursday August 30th 2007

Prayers for the late Princess Diana will be said at Evensong on Sunday September 2 in St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, at 3.30pm. Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant for Belfast, Lady Romaine Carswell, and several of the Lord Lieutenants and Deputy Lieutenants…

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Jesus Christ Superstar back on Lisburn stage

Tuesday August 28th 2007

The award-winning Fusion Theatre is bringing its thought-provoking production of Jesus Christ Superstar back to the Island Hall, Lisburn, on September 6, 7 and 8. This production won Best Modern Opera at the Association of Irish Musical Societies’ annual awards earlier…

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American professor lectures at ISE

Tuesday August 28th 2007

‘Who’s Afraid of American Religion?’ – a lecture by Prof Alan Wolfe – takes place at the Irish School of Ecumenics on Thursday September 6. Prof Wolfe is visiting the UK to speak to the British Library, and he will…

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Wastewatchers at Magheragall Parish Church

Tuesday August 28th 2007

More than 50 children enjoyed the Holiday Bible Club, ‘Wastewatchers,’ held in Magheragall Parish Church Hall from August 13-17. Co-ordinated by Bronwen Dark and Jacqui Adams and a team of 22 assistant leaders, the fun packed programme included Bible stories,…

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Hard Gospel Sunday and Hymn Writing competition

Tuesday August 28th 2007

Church of Ireland parishes in Connor are being encouraged to translate the Hard Gospel in their own area using Hard Gospel Sunday material designated for Sunday September 9. As part of the initiative, talented songwriters are also encouraged to compete…

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St Matthew’s rector is new Rural Dean

Tuesday July 31st 2007

The Rev Canon Gregory Dunstan, rector of St Matthew’s, Shankill, Belfast, has been appointed Rural Dean of Mid Belfast. It is Canon Dunstan’s second major appointment this year, as he was installed a Canon of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, in…

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