Author Archives: michael

Organ Scholarship open for applications

Tuesday February 28th 2012

Aspiring organists are invited to apply for a scholarship with the Down and Dromore and Connor Organ Scholarship Management Board. The scholarships are intended to train musicians in the service of the church, in the Anglican tradition both at the…

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Appointments in Connor Diocese

Tuesday February 28th 2012

Two new appointments have been made in Connor Diocese. The Rev Trevor Cleland (right), Incumbent of the Parish of Upper Falls, Belfast, has been appointed as Incumbent of Ballinderry. The date for the Institution has yet to be confirmed.  …

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Institution in Ballymoney, Finvoy and Rasharkin

Wednesday February 22nd 2012

Photography by Colin Loughead The Rev Andrew Sweeney was instituted as rector of the United Parish of Ballymoney, Finvoy and Rasharkin on Sunday February 19. Andrew was formerly Vicar of Cogges, South Leigh and North Leigh in the Diocese of…

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Special Service for Forgiveness

Tuesday February 21st 2012

A special service on the theme of Forgiveness has been organised by Brother David Jardine of Interdenominational Divine Healing Ministries at St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, on Monday March 5. The service gets underway at 8pm and worship will be led…

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Invitation to Crosslinks’ Prayer Meeting

Tuesday February 21st 2012

Crosslinks is holding a prayer meeting on Monday February 27 at its offices at 32 Montgomery Road, Belfast, and all are welcome. The prayer meeting takes place from 8pm–9.30pm. A Crosslinks spokesperson says: “Why pray? Psalm 127: 1 ‘Uunless the…

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Dialogue and Evangelism on Inter Faith agenda

Tuesday February 21st 2012

Questions of dialogue and evangelism will be discussed at a half–day seminar on Inter Faith issues to be held in Edgehill College, Belfast, on Friday March 2. The conference, entitled ‘Engaging Diversity, Staying Faithful,’ is being organised by the Inter…

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