Category Archives: Featured on homepage

Streetreach 2016 launched!

Streetreach 2016 launched!

Wednesday January 20th 2016

Engage Connor Youth is delighted to announce the launch of Streetreach 2016. The Youth Council is looking forward to building on the experience of last year, and to giving more young people the opportunity to serve together. Streetreach will be…

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Parenting children for a life of faith

Parenting children for a life of faith

Friday January 8th 2016

Rachel Turner, Family Life Pastor at St Paul’s Church, Hammersmith, and author of a number of books on parenting, will be delivering two training sessions in Connor Diocese. These take place on January 22 and January 23. Both sessions will…

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‘EVERY’ campaign focuses on teen relationships

‘EVERY’ campaign focuses on teen relationships

Wednesday January 6th 2016

Connor Diocese, in partnership with Love for Life, Engage Connor Youth and Ripple Childrens’ Ministry, will launch the ‘EVERY’ campaign later this month. The EVERY campaign is a response to a changing culture in which teenagers as they develop their identity…

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Prayer walking in north Belfast

Prayer walking in north Belfast

Wednesday December 9th 2015

Connor’s Church Army Evangelists have been holding Prayer Walks in north Belfast every month since August. Stephen Whitten and Karen Webb from the North Belfast Centre of Mission have joined with other churches in the area to walk around and…

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